I don’t know why the saying is “April showers bring May flowers.” Because flowers are already popping up all over the place. They can literally change the color of a landscape right now. And I think that’s really cool, but occasionally, I like to stop and see all of the detail and beauty in just one flower. I took the picture above of a flower that was in one of the lawns at the church building. Isn’t it neat how the colors fade from green to yellow to white to blue/purple? And the darker lines running through it, and the two antennae looking things sticking out? Looking at the beauty of nature shows me how much how active God is in taking care of His creation. Because even though you will find lots of these kinds of flowers, you won’t find one exactly like this. It has been individually made.
Now check out the next picture. This is how big that flower is that God put so much attention toward. It’s so little, you could probably fit six or seven of these on a penny.
This flower is tiny. You probably step on them every day without even noticing them. They bloom and then a few days later wither away. But yet God takes care of every single one of them; even though they don’t all get noticed; even though they only last a short while. He still cares for them.
See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you – Matt 6:28-30
You are more precious to God than all of His creation. You are more beautiful to God than all of the flowers He made. God loves you and will take care of you.
Find a flower today and look at how much attention God put into it. And realize that that same care and attention is on you too.