They all heard him say, “Let all the house of Israel know”.
They all felt the feeling of grief and guilt in their hearts as they realized they have crucified the Son of God and the Savior God provided.
They all questioned and ask what they needed to do with the sin in their lives.
They all were baptized those that received the message of salvation.
They all were devoted to the apostles’ teaching.
They all were devoted to fellowship and to the breaking of bread and prayer.
They all felt the sense of awe as the miracles were happening around them.
They all were together. and had all things in common.
Oh to be a member of the church on the first day. To be there to experience it first had would be such an amazing experience. Everyone has their own journey. Everyone has their own struggles and sins. Everyone has difficulties to overcome and lessons to learn. At one point or another we have to realize that the answer to all of these things is the same answer for all people. Jesus.
Jesus puts us in a place were we have all things in common. Where we share sins, heartache, love, faith, and hope.
The song we sing says…
A common love for each other
A common gift to the Savior
A common bond holding us to the Lord
A common strength when we’re weary
A common hope for tomorrow
A common joy in the truth of God’s word.
While there may be many things that could divide as believers as Christians we should have these things in common. This too pricks my heart and makes me realize the work I need to do to have more things in common with you. The first step is to have love. Love for God and love for each other. It makes is a common love and a common bond.
I love you,