I’ve been taking vitamins in the mornings for a little while. Just a general assortment for overall health. I take vitamin C & D and a garlic pill for immune system support. I take an Omega 3 pill for brain and memory health. I also take a multivitamin that has Zinc and Iron and a whole bunch of other things that I don’t even think about needing in order to stay healthy. But here’s the thing: when I take my vitamins, I don’t walk away feeling like Superman. I don’t feel like I’m bullet-proof or that I could punch through a brick wall. I don’t feel like I’m bursting with strength and energy, I just feel….healthy. And maybe that’s the whole purpose of those little pills; to simply give my body what it needs so that it can maintain a healthy balance. Most mornings I don’t take my vitamins because I feel sick. I take them because I know that if I start depriving my body of what it needs for very long, serious issues can start to develop.
What spiritual vitamins are you taking daily to maintain proper spiritual health? The Bible tells us what all we must be doing to support our spiritual health. Prayer, meditation, Bible study, caring for others….these are all spiritual vitamins. You may not walk away from a Bible study or a time of prayer feeling like you can punch through a wall, but your spirit is getting what it needs to stay healthy. It’s easy to think that we are in a good place spiritually, that there are no problems that need to be fixed. But if we deprive our spirit of what it needs, serious problems will start to develop.
This week, schedule a time each day that you can pray, meditate, study, and care for others so that you can maintain a healthy spiritual life.