A few days ago, I had the opportunity to visit with a colleague who is beginning a new ministry work at a church of Christ in our area of the state. He wanted to visit about some ideas he had about an upcoming retreat and wanted to hear what I thought. It was an exchange of ideas and positive thinking about the church. More than anything, it was an exchange of encouragement, and let me tell you, folks, ministers need that.
Ministers need each other. Too often, we are attacked by satan and the forces of evil. Ephesians 6:12 says, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” I believe this fight is true for all Christians. Ministers, preachers, pastors, elders, or evangelists are not the exception to the rule. Don’t you know that Satan especially wants to attack these people who have dedicated their lives to expanding the Kingdom? Absolutely, he does.
Instead of ministers doing Satan’s job for him and tearing each other down, we must band together to encourage and support each other. The work of the Kingdom requires us to place our ego to the side, humble ourselves, and lift the Savior up. Even if other preachers work to bolster themselves, we should not worry, for if the message of the cross and the redeeming blood of Jesus is proclaimed, then the Kingdom’s work is getting done. To God be the glory. Paul writes, “Some, to be sure, are preaching Christ even from envy and strife, but some also from good will; the latter do it out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel; the former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition rather than from pure motives, thinking to cause me distress in my imprisonment. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed; and in this I rejoice” (Philippians 1:15-18).
Nevertheless, I believe that no matter what, we should be good to each other. Especially if we are going to work together in the Kingdom spreading the message of Christ, we need to encourage each other. Ministers need each other, and we would be wise to have each other’s back.
Quite honestly, this type of camaraderie should be prevalent in the Lord’s church among all of her people. Lift each other up instead of tearing down. Don’t do Satan’s job for him.
It’s just something we all could work on.
I love you,
Alex Mills