One of my most favorite times of the year is summer. There are so many great things to attend and opportunities to grow in your spiritual life. This time of year brings me several opportunities to attend other congregations to speak or participate in their event. This year I will be in Conway, Oppelo, and Mt. View for gospel meetings, VBS and summer series lectures. I love it.
Our own VBS is fast approaching (JULY 38-31) and I want to make sure that you are planning to attend. There will be classes for ALL ages including adults each night. Don’t miss it! Go ahead and make sure that nothing will keep you from being here. You will be blessed.
Also there are still several ways to help. We need TEACHERS for sure. Look on the sign up sheet and put your name down. We will have all VBS teaching material ready to hand out THIS SUNDAY. See Shawn for any details.
Finally., make sure to be inviting your friends and family to attend, too. I know people that have come to know the Lord because they attended a VBS. Its a great useful tool to not only encourage our own members but to invite others to be with us too at NHCOC.
Here is a run down of each of the lessons:
1: Challenge to SEE – Elijah in the Presence of God (1 Kings 19:1-18)
2. Challenge to KNOW – King Josiah and the Lost Scroll (2 Chronicles 34:1-33)
3. Challenge to TRUST – Jehoshaphat Trusts in God (2 Chronicles 20:1-24)
4. Challenge to OBEY – Jonah Runs from God (Jonah 1:1-3:5)
5. Challenge to BELIEVE – Thomas Doubts Jesus’ Resurrection (John 20:24-29)
HERE are a few FUN FACTS about VBS here at NHCOC:
- There will be VBS Work days and Nights. Lauren Williams will be up at the church working on VBS July 22-26 most of the day and would LOVE any time you have even if it’s just an hour! We will also have VBS work nights Tuesday July 23rd starting at 6:00 and Thursday July 25th at 6:00! Mark your calendars! Also if you have some time and would like to cut things out at home let her know, she has a few jobs like that!
- VBS Starts on Sunday at 9am. All Classes will meet in the auditorium for singing and a skit. Then the kids will be dismissed for their classes.
- Starting Sunday Evening we will meet each night at 6:30 in the auditorium
- There will be lessons for adults too. Don’t think VBS is just for the kids.
- There will be KONA ICE on Wednesday evening afterwards!
If you have any questions please ask, Shawn.