On Wednesday evening Bill Ulmer gave a wonderful devotional encouraging us to serve in a very specific way. He reminded us how blessed we are and how those who are less fortunate than us depend on our generous hearts. Specifically, Bill talked about how we at North Heights collect pantry items to give to Children’s Home Inc. in Paragould, AR. We have a box in our foyer where we can collect all the pantry items. Then a truck comes by from CHI to pick it up once a quarter. Bill went on to say that there has been a few times that we scramble to collect enough for it to be a respectable amount to be given when they come to pick it up. I think we can do better than this. I think we can bring a more substantial focus on this simple way to serve than what we have done recently. Let’s make it a focus to notice what pantry item is needed each week and let’s give so much that we have to figure out how to get it all in the box. Maybe we can collect enough that it will take a team for us to load it up in the truck each quarter. The truck will be coming soon on APRIL 11th and I would be so encouraged to see that we have ramped up our giving to this godly benevolent cause.
The Children’s Home also maintains a wish list on Amazon, which simplifies the process of donating needed items. You can browse the list, and purchase items, which will then be shipped directly to Children’s Homes, Inc. To find the list on Amazon follow this link: CHILDREN’S HOMES INC. NEEDS
It’s a simple way to serve but makes a significant difference in the lives of real people.
PANTRY ITEMS for this quarter are: Dried Onions, Dishwashing Detergent, Trail Mix, Freezer Bags (2 Gallon), Tissues (I.e. Kleenex) and Bathroom Tissue Paper.