How many of you mark up your Bible? I do. I love getting to highlight, underline, or make notes in my Bible because it means that I’m learning something. Like Don Gregory talked about last Wednesday night, I’m making connections throughout the Word.  I like that when I look back through my Bible, I see notes that I’ve made, and just by reading that one little note, I’m reminded of a bunch of Bible study that I did to get to that conclusion. I like that when I remember a passage, I can usually remember about where it was and even what side of the page it was on because I spent time physically interacting (highlighting, underlining, etc) with the words. Electronic versions of the Bible are great and all. But I really think we are missing a huge opportunity to learn God’s Word when we don’t have a hard-copy, and one that we can use consistently. I reference other Bibles all the time. I use Bible study app that gives me tons of information right down to the original Greek words. But I always have my little brown Bible open even as I consult other versions or my computer. It’s the little brown Bible that I make all my marks in. I know that in doing so, I am slowly wearing it out. But that’s ok. I hope that when I get to heaven, I can show Jesus 40 Bibles that I’ve worn down to nothing.

Let me encourage you, start bringing a pen and highlighter to Bible class and worship with you. Put yourself into the Bible as much as it is a part of you.

“A Bible that’s falling apart, belongs to a person whose life isn’t.” -Unknown