Sunday marks the beginning of a new quarter in our Biblical education program at North Heights Church of Christ. It is a wonderful opportunity to recommit yourself to diligent Bible study. Let me give you a few words of encouragement concerning our Bible classes.
First, please bring your children to Bible class. Our kids have a wonderful opportunity to listen and learn from their teachers as they explore the word of God. We have eager teachers that are diligent in their preparation and are ready to teach your kids. We have a wonderful Bible class curriculum that is focused on engaging our kids in a variety of methods and styles. Each Bible class teacher can easily adapt the material to fit their style of teaching and fit each child as they go through the lessons prepared from the Scriptures. We are excited to see our young people enter the doors, ready to deepen their faith in God.
Second, please bring yourselves to Bible class even if you have no children. You have a wonderful opportunity to listen and learn from each of our adult Bible class teachers as they explore the Biblical texts or the Biblical topics. We have eager teachers that are diligent in their preparation and are ready to teach you from God’s words. The classes that are offered this quarter are below, and I would highly recommend choosing one to stick to throughout the quarter. I would also highly recommend you come early, drink some coffee, enjoy the fellowship, find your seat, and have your bibles ready to open along with your hearts. Be ready to be transformed by God’s words and deepen your faith in God.
Third, please invite your friends and family and encourage them to attend Bible class with you. We are a growing church and our time in Bible class leads to even greater growth. Bible class is a wonderful tool to use as an opportunity to encourage others to attend here at NHCOC and let them make this their church family. An invitation to Bible class can lead to more conversations about the Bible and even more conversions to Christ. Also, use Bible class as a way to encourage our own members to attend. Let them know how good it is. Let them see your growth as you have matured in your Biblical knowledge and deepened your faith in God.
Here are the New Adult Bible Classes for Spring 2023 (March 5th – May 31st)
God loves you and so do I,
Alexander Mills