Some of us are just wired a little differently than others. It comes easy for me to talk to other people about anything, but especially God’s words and specifically the gospel. I can easily find myself sitting in a waiting area at a local pharmacy and be talking to someone I don’t even know. But before I leave, we have discussed current events, the weather, and, more importantly, God’s Word. It comes naturally for me to look at people in the eye and be comfortable having a conversation about real life and turn it into a discussion about eternal life. Most people would agree that I am the way I am because I would be considered to have an extroverted personality.

An extrovert is someone who is outgoing and overtly an expressive person.

Evangelism comes easy for me because I use my personality type to relate to people no matter who they are. However, you don’t have to be an extrovert to be evangelistic. Introverts can and should be evangelistic, too.

An introvert is someone who is a shy and reticent person.

Evangelism might be more of a challenge for an introvert because it might be challenging to talk to complete strangers. Still, introverts can use their personality to make meaningful relationships with people they are closest to share the gospel with them. Introverts need to be encouraged that God can and wants to use them to change other people’s lives. Introverts need to realize that God knows what He is doing and will be with them as they make disciples. Jesus says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20). Jesus did not say only extroverts should go, nor did he say that he would only be with extroverts. Jesus wants all people to go and make disciples, and He will be with all people as they go.

Let me provide a few simple ways introverts can challenge themselves to be evangelistic:

  1. Pray all the time – Pray that God will open your eyes to other people close to you and even challenge you to talk to people you don’t even know. Pray God will give you the courage to step forward as you observe the world around you and see the potential. Pray for those around you that you know and those you don’t. Pray and trust God will use you to go into all the world and preach the gospel.
  2. Begin with where you are – Look to see those people in your life whom you know but have not obeyed the gospel. Talk to children, preteens, teenagers, and young adults about obeying the gospel. Give them encouragement that when they learn the saving truth, they should obey. Look at people in your own family and home who need God’s salvation and ask them to study with you one on one. Telling others how you became a Christian is an excellent place to begin.
  3. Ask God to provide you a friend to help – Time and time again, in the scriptures, evangelists have a partner to help them along the way. There is Peter and John, Paul and Barnabas, Paul and Silas, and Paul and Timothy. I believe God provides this subtle pattern in the scriptures to help us in evangelistic efforts. We should appreciate our extroverted and introverted friends and partner up when necessary to do the work of the Lord most effectively. It’s interesting because you will often see a married couple with one introverted spouse and one that is extraverted. This partnership can bring balance to the force. I’m thankful for my introverted friends because they teach me to remain calm, not be overbearing, and wait patiently for results.
  4. Be patient and let God work – For introverts, it’s effortless to hang back and watch. But you need to be reminded that you are loved and that you love people. As God works in your life, your heart becomes bigger and bigger for the lost. Evangelism does not have to be a sore spot for you. No one is asking you to have a tent revival on your front lawn next week. Just be willing to let time pass as God works on you and show you ways to share your faith and the gospel with others.

These four ways not only apply to introverts but to anyone who wants others to obey the gospel:

Anyone and everyone should:

  1. Pray all the time.
  2. Begin with where you are.
  3. Ask God to provide you a friend to help.
  4. Be patient and let God work.

Let’s all go into all the world.

I love you,
