Sometimes my phone blows up with text messages, group messages, emails and phone calls so much that it makes me wish I did not even have a phone. No, seriously, there are days that I want to just get rid of it. Of course, I know that it’s the most convenient way to get a hold of me, and I you, but still sometimes, it’s a little much.
Sometimes, there are so many messages that I might miss a text here and there and not realize that someone is trying to tell me or ask me something. It just happens.
But, I don’t want to have that attitude when it comes to the holy text of God’s Word. I don’t want to miss one little bit. I need to soak it all in and read every word. I need this because I realize that the word of God is most effective in every aspect of my entire life.
Here’s what Paul says “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Perhaps, you are missing something in your life?
God is asking, “Did you get my text?”