We forgot to put out a daily bread yesterday. Alex and I were both in the office throughout the day, working and taking care of other tasks, and though we talked about the Daily Bread, and talked about how it needed to be sent out, we went our separate ways and both forgot to do it.
Pobody’s nerfect.
We all forget. We all lose track of time. We all take on too much and let some things slip from our mind. All of us…except the Almighty. He never forgets; His memory is perfect. He never loses track of time; He’s not limited to time. He never lets things slip from His mind; His mind is infinite.
After saving Noah from the Flood, God pointed to the rainbow and said it would serve as a memorial that He would never destroy the world with a flood again (Genesis 9:15). A long time has passed, and waters have risen and fallen across the world, but never has a global catastrophe like the Genesis flood happened since then.
God hasn’t forgotten His promise; He will never let it slip from His mind.
David’s beautiful 25th Psalm pleads for God to “remember” to be merciful to him (Psalm 25:6). There’s no danger of that, of course; God’s memory is perfect. He will not forget who His children are. Jeremiah predicted that God’s people would be saved under a new covenant and that, through it, the Lord would “remember their sins no more” (Jeremiah 31:34). Of course God doesn’t “forget” the way we do. Jeremiah is saying that the Lord will not hold us accountable of our past mistakes if we submit to Him and are saved. He will not bring them back up (“remember” them) on the great day of our trial (Judgement).
His memory is perfect, whether he’s using it or not!
Peter wrote and promised the second coming of Christ would happen, and also that scoffers would mock that idea, saying that God has taken too long to return, and thus probably isn’t coming at all. The Apostle says “No. The Lord is not lazy. The Second Coming has not slipped from His mind” (2 Peter 3:9).
He’s not forgetful…just patient.
Which is good, because I am forgetful, and sometimes I need His patience with me when I fail to do what He expects of me. I’m thankful that I have it. Aren’t you?