On Sunday, we had the privilege of announcing a slight tweak in my ministry work at NHCOC. Since I have been here working for the Lord in partnership with our shepherds and with you by my side, I have always said I am willing to do whatever needs to be done. Sometimes, work presents itself naturally, and the need is obvious for what needs to be done. Such is the case now.
It is obvious more counseling, visiting, and helping people work through problems, situations, and anxiety is needed here at NHCOC and in our community. Through these efforts, I look forward to helping individuals, families, teenagers, and married couples. Kira and I will also travel on a few weekends to conduct marriage workshops to help congregations and couples with their relationships. It’s a great way to strengthen the church and our society as a whole.
It is obvious more outreach, evangelism, and personal work is needed in our community. We have always had an excellent reputation for outreach, and we know that our community looks to us as an example and an avenue to help people in need. All around us, people need physical help and, most importantly, spiritual help. I look forward to seeking opportunities to study the bible with people and convert them to Christianity while also seeking ways to help people in general as we contribute to the overall good of our community.
It is obvious more involvement, connection, and overall relationship-building needs to be focused on here at NHCOC. I look forward to visiting with you, understanding your talents, connecting with your passions, and helping you get to work in the body of Christ here at NHCOC. This element of my work concerns our relationship and connection as a church family. It’s about learning more about each other and helping us use our full potential to serve the Lord.
These obvious needs are my specialty. I moved here about seven years ago to do this type of ministry work, and I am excited to get back into it now with even more gusto and enthusiasm. I’m thankful the Shepherds are encouraging and enabling me to do more of this, and we believe that souls will be saved through these obvious areas of ministry work. There is much to do, plenty of opportunities, and no shortage of work. So, with that in mind, we sing… “To the work, to the work, there is labor for all.”
I am thankful that I will still collaborate with Matthew and have opportunities to preach from the pulpit because I believe I can make a difference through those efforts, too. You will want to hear from me from time to time, and I know I am going to want to address some things with you by preaching the word in season and out of season, reproving, rebuking, exhorting with great patience and instruction (2 Timothy 4:4). You are going to need to hear from me and I’m gonna have a few things to tell you. I’m also thankful that I will still be in the classroom teaching Bible classes in our adult education program. I enjoy teaching and see it as an opportunity to learn with you from the Scriptures. I’ll still write articles for our Daily Bread and the bulletin and post social media videos containing words of encouragement and opportunities for you to serve.
For the most part, most things will be the same. For some things, there will be a greater focus. Nevertheless, these are exciting times at NHCOC, and we need to be thankful. So, I want to motivate you to work harder than ever before because get ready, folks, WE are about to GROW like never before!
I love you,
Alex Mills