I’m out of town this week, teaching the adult VBS classes at the Mountain Home church of Christ. My summers are always busy, and I’m thankful for that, but I do miss being in Bible class here at North Heights. Whenever I am around this summer, I enjoy sitting in on Chip Phillips’ class studying Proverbs. Last time I was in there, a comment was made that got me thinking. The discussion was about the pursuit of money and how vain a pursuit that is vs pursuing godliness, etc. In the middle of that, I had an epiphany…

People with money, and who love money, are always anxious to get more money. They stress about it. They fret about it. They stay up at night thinking about it. They’re miserable about it. On the other hand, no one with wisdom, who loves wisdom, has ever been anxious about getting more. They value it, yes. They seek it, absolutely. But they don’t stress over it. They trust that they will get it as the Lord wills. Wisdom doesn’t stress you out the way money does.

As Solomon says…

For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.

(Proverbs 8:11)

This world has no shortage of things to desire, but doing so means taking on all the stress and anxiety that comes with desiring it. Wisdom comes from God, and with a pursuit of wisdom comes—not anxiety—but contentment, satisfaction, and peace.
