The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. 1 Tim 3:1

I have a cousin-in-law who is taking some college level classes on Spiritual/Congregational Leadership. When asked why he wants to do that here is his reply:

“Congregational Leadership is interesting to me because I have the desire to be an Elder in the future. I am looking for anything to help prepare me as much as possible for this monumental task.”

What an amazing thought! I don’t think that I’ve ever personally heard of someone who was intentionally preparing themselves to serve as an elder, let alone taking classes that would help them grown in their leadership of the church. However, it makes perfect sense. The office of an elder is a necessary part, and will always be a necessary part, of the church that Christ established, and it carries a huge responsibility – people’s souls are literally at stake.

This is a call out to all of the men in Christ’s church. Until our Lord returns, we will always need elders to shepherd the flock. Scripture does not require that men take certain prerequisite classes before becoming an elder, but it is a serious responsibility that deserves our best efforts. So if we know that elders are going to be needed, what are you doing now to prepare yourself to serve our Lord and His church with the respect and gravity that the office deserves?

If you don’t know what to do, start by asking your current elders how they prepared, or now with hindsight, how they wish they had prepared. Your ministers will often have a good idea of different books, classes, podcasts, etc. that are offered on Biblical leadership and Christian education. And above all, intentionally cultivate your knowledge of Scripture, your love of God, and your love for people.

Don’t wait until your church has an elder selection and someone taps you one the should to start thinking about how you could fill the role.