2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – KJV
A more modern translation renders the word “study” as “be diligent”. I understand that the better translation might be “be diligent” but I like the KJV here and the word “study” is what I personally prefer even though both translations hold value.
I prefer it because it helps me learn that our work in understanding and accurately dividing the word of God takes a tremendous amount of serious dedication. The phrase “accurately handling”described in this passage literally means that we would be able to “cut a straight line” in the truth of God’s word. This takes time, energy, diligence, work, and study. Don’t think for a second that we can just blindly read through or flippantly read the text of God’s word and easily understand it. This means we have to be committed to studying God’s word diligently and regularly.
This is the reason it is so important to take every opportunity presented to you to involve yourself in Bible classes, devotionals, worship, and other encouraging times of study.
Here are two new opportunities of which you can take advantage to deepen your study/work in God’s word here at NHCOC:
This Wednesday @8pm Kira Mills is teaching a new ladies-only ZOOM bible class that you should join. The class is titled Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus: A Study of How Jesus Valued Women” More details will be posted soon on how you can prepare and join the ZOOM class.

This Sunday @ 9pm I will be offering for the first time a LIVE Facebook video evening devotional called: Now the Day is Over. Every day at 9pm you will see me go LIVE with a devotional thought that will encourage and hopefully spur some comments and discussion. It is designed to help us wind down, relax, and trust God as we lay down for another night of rest.

Don’t forget the other times of Bible study we offer too. I go LIVE on FACEBOOK with a class studying Philippians at 8:45 am on Sunday mornings. Matthewuploads a Bible class on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm on our Youtube channel. And Shawn leads a teen Bible class on Zoom, Wednesday evenings at 6:30.
Please be diligent!
Please study and shew!
I love you,
~ Alexander
~ Alexander