This coming Monday (God willing) I will turn 40 years old, and with that milestone, I will be leaving the ever-important “18-39” age bracket that all advertisers target with their commercials, billboards, articles, pop-ups, and more. Technically, some advertisers only care about people aged 18-29, and some 18-34, but no one seems to care after you leave your thirties behind. Very soon, I’ll be 40, which means the advertising world will no longer care about me. I can finally get what I’ve always wanted for my birthday…

To be left alone.

I kid (or do I?)

That being said, I know no matter who out there stops caring about me, the Lord never will. He will always care. As the song says: “Does Jesus care? Oh yes, He cares. I know He cares! His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares.” 

In all honestly, I really don’t care that I’m turning 40. I know that for some it’s an agonizing birthday, but I don’t feel any different about it than I did about turning 39 a year ago. Life goes ever on, and I will live it for as long as the Lord allows. I will serve Him as much as I can, and use what talents He has given me, to the best of my ability, to magnify His name and strengthen His kingdom. The rest of the world may not care about me, but the Lord cared enough to die for me, and still cares for me today.

That’s all I need for this coming birthday, and every other one I have left.
