Psalm 91:1-2 says, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!”
The central idea of this passage is easy for us to understand but challenging to live. The truth is, we end up worrying too much about the “what ifs” that might spring up in our lives when we really need to live the words that are spoken here.
If we live in the house of the Lord, we are in His presence, and He is our refuge and fortress! He is our God in whom we should trust. What is there to fear? What is there to be nervous about? The house of the Lord is a safe place.
At NHCOC, we want you to know this is a safe place. Not just safe because of the extra cleaning we are doing now to make sure that it is disinfected. It is a safe place because of the people that make it safe. It is in this place where you can be open and honest about your sin, your struggles, your temptations, your hurt, and your fear. It is here that you can find people that love, care, sympathize and help carry you through whatever is ahead of us. It is here where we cry with those who are crying, and we laugh and rejoice with those who are laughing and celebrating.
God designed the church to be a place of shelter for His people today. Don’t miss out on being with the church that meets here. It is a safe place! We need you, and you need us. It is here in this safe place that we are in the shadow of the Almighty!
I love you,